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Has Ghost Of Glastonbury Pub Been Caught On Camera?

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Long reputed to be one of Glastonbury’s most haunted places, one of the ghosts of the George and Pilgrim has apparently been captured by camera.

It was taken by a customer at the pub, snapping two of his friends, and it was not until they examined the photograph a few moments later that they spotted the shape in the image.

“We have been here for 12 weeks and we have heard and seen things in the cellar,” said Cathy Breakwell, who runs the pub and hotel with her partner AndyWhite.

“At night you can clearly see orbs on the CCTV in the bar, and I have had things put into a glass of water when there was nobody in the room – but we couldn’t believe it when we saw the photograph – it was amazing.

“He took it right in front of me, in a bar full of customers, and every photograph he took afterwards didn’t have the shape in it.”

Cathy said she believes the apparition is that of a women who fell for one of the monks at Glastonbury Abbey.

“They fell in love, but because of his vows, they couldn’t be together,” she said.

“He ended up being walled up in one of the tunnels that led between the pub and the abbey, and while they couldn’t be together in life, they are together in death.”

She says she has worked in a number of pubs over the years, some of which were “very spooky”, but said the George and Pilgrim was one of the most active pubs she has ever worked in.

“We have had guests telling us they could hear harp music coming from empty rooms, TVs turning on and off in the middle of the night, and coughs and footsteps in the cellar,” she said.

“Although it is spooky, a lot of people say they don’t feel afraid.”


Article Link from 11/5/2012


There is something in the picture and yes it does look like a ghost!

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