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Everything posted by EllieSword

  1. Might get some new topics , or your top of the list lol Is everyone aware how to rate members? Looks good otherwise, see what other response you get
  2. At least from that list I have learnt that we can rate topics
  3. Difficult one that, we dont want to put the low scorers in the position where they wont bother. We all fight each other in a friendly way and it needs to be kept that way. I ponder on it
  4. I know a proof reader if they want to employ me!!
  5. snow headache gone,

  6. heheheheheh I bet I got called a few things lol always one huh, this is fun, new game kids...... spot the errors!! lol
  7. No Steph, its I will make sure he joins
  8. Hold it Steph, there was a challenge we missed, "any women" Nifty? Most yes, any nah I know two that wont comply pmsl
  9. Not content with having most trophies now you want top poster lol
  10. Tell the Doc if you getting "breakthrough" pain between patches Hun, they can adjust the strength to get it right but it takes time. John on those so I know how they should work
  11. Nah, I see all the shades of grey in between the black and white
  12. Seems to be the head honcho`s that do actualy listen to complaints about their underlings
  13. You seem to be the only one that gets time to read lol
  14. Well you did ask us to check just being a good girl
  15. on the posting help page under POLLS you could add a c to the word lick to make it click personally I found it difficult to lick but then I only have a little mouth
  16. Offer them cookies lol Come to the dark side we have cookies !!
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